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Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts

Adsense apply se pehle Kya kre?

dsense approval trick for begginer.Aaj ke samay me har koi online income karna chahata hai. kyoki aap ghar baidhe income kar sakte hai, aap koi boss nahi hota, koi fix time nahi hota. work karne ke liye full freedom hoti hai, aap aapne bed se bhi article publish kar sakte hai. ham sabhi jante hai ki blog ya website se income karne ke liye adsnese sabse best hai. apply karne se pehle progrma policies padhe.

Adsense approval tricks (jaruri) – 

  • sabse pehle aapke paas ek achchha blog/ website hone chahiye. domain kharida ho aur hosting bhi kharidi ho.
  • minimum 10 to 15 long article with uniqe content wale publish kare.
  • Blog/Website ki design attractive honi chahiye.
  • jo naam aapka bank account me hai wahi payee me fill kare.
  • Application me  right address fill kare.
  • ho sake to theme bhi kharid le.
  • kisi blog se copy kiye huye article publish nahi kare.
  • adsense ke liye apply karne se pehle adsense ki terms and condition ko zarur padhe.
  • article likhte samay good writing skills ka use kare.
  • agar adsense aapke blog ya website se approve nahi ho raha hai tab aap youtube se apply kare.
  • agar aapka blog blogger par tab aap 4 to 6 months ke baad hi apply kar sakte hai.
  • Jab aap adsense ke liye aaply karte hai tab, adsense aapke site/ blog ka reiview karta hai uske baad hi aapke account ko approved karta hai.

Conclusion –

adsense ke liye apply karne jaldbaji nahi kare. sabse se pehle visitor badhane par focus kare. Blog se income start hone me samaya lagta hai.agara kisi ka adsense approve nahi ho raha hai to don’t worry, aap adsense ke alternative ka use kar sakte hai. adsense se relted ya blogging se related koi question ho to aap niche comment karke puchh sakte hai.

how to make your blog successful by 4 Plateform in hindi

ब्लॉगिंग start करने के बाद, एक नया ब्लॉगर हमेशा यही सोचता है कि उसके contact में ऐसे ब्लोगर्स भी हो जिन्हें पहले से ही Blogging की अच्छी नॉलेज हो इसलिए वह नई ब्लॉगर से कांटेक्ट करता हैं और उन्हें सोशल मीडिया पर ऐड करता हैं. आपके नेटवर्क में जितने Bloggers है वही आपका ब्लॉगिंग नेटवर्क है. इस नेटवर्क में आप अपनी नॉलेज शेयर करते हैं और अन्य ब्लॉगर से नॉलेज gain करते हैं.

अगर हम ब्लॉगिंग में अकेले चलते हैं तो तेजी से ग्रोथ कर सकते हैं लेकिन अगर हम सबको साथ लेकर चलें तो हम और भी ज्यादा तेजी से grow कर सकते हैं क्योंकि एक ग्रुप के होने से नए आइडियाज का आदान प्रदान होता है और हम तेजी से कामों को निपटा सकते हैं. किसी समस्या के आने पर मिलजुलकर उसका समाधान कर सकते हैं. एक अच्छे ब्लॉग नेटवर्क में यही सब होता है. Bloggers एक दूसरे की हेल्प करते हैं और एक दूसरे को ग्रो करने में मदद करते हैं. बहुत से ब्लॉगस मिलकर एक बड़े प्रोजेक्ट पर काम करते हैं जिससे होने वाला प्रॉफिट भी काफी ज्यादा होता है.
इस तरह Blogging Network के कई फायदे हैं लेकिन हमें हमेशा यह ध्यान रखना चाहिए कि गलत लोगों का साथ हमेशा असफलता की ओर ले जाता है और अच्छे लोगों का साथ हमेशा सफलता दिलाता है. ब्लॉगिंग वर्ल्ड में हमें ऐसे लोगों का साथ चलना चाहिए जो हमारी growth में हेल्प करें.
अच्छे ब्लॉगर ऐसे प्लेटफॉर्म पर active रहते हैं जहां पर उन्हें अपनी ब्लॉगिंग स्किल्स को improve करने में मदद मिले. जहां से उन्हें अपनी  Blog से होने वाली रेवेन्यू को increase करने के practical tips मिले.

इन 4 Platforms से जुड़कर ब्लॉगिंग में सफलता पाएं

इस Blog post में मैं कुछ ऐसे ही platforms के बारे में जानकारी दूंगा जिनकी मदद से आप भी अच्छे ब्लॉगर से कनेक्शन बना सकते हैं और अपने Blog की ग्रोथ को multiply कर सकते हैं.

1. Facebook Groups:

Facebook Groups पर हमें बहुत से प्रोफेशनल ब्लॉगर्स मिलते हैं जो हमेशा अन्य ब्लॉगर्स की हेल्प करते हैं. ऐसे groups हमेशा एक्टिव रहते हैं और जैसे ही आप इन पर कोई सवाल पूछते हैं तो आपको कुछ ही देर में उनके प्रैक्टिकल answers मिलने लग जाते हैं. आपको Facebook पर ऐसे  groups join करने चाहिए जो कि आपके ब्लॉग के टॉपिक से मिलते जुलते हो. इसके लिए आप Facebook के सर्च बॉक्स में जाकर अपना टॉपिक लिख दे और उससे रिलेटेड ग्रुप सर्च करें. ऐसे ग्रुप को join करें जिनमें काफी ज्यादा मेंबर हो और एक्टिविटी अच्छी हो. ऐसे groups को ज्वाइन करके आपको बहुत ही बेनिफिट होगा.

2. Communities:

आज इंटरनेट पर हर विषय से रिलेटेड Communities बनी हुई है फिर चाहे वह फूड हो, स्पोर्ट्स हो, हेल्थ हो, पॉलिटिक्स शो, कुकिंग हो, या फिर कुछ और. सभी तरह की Communities आपको ऑनलाइन मिल जाएंगी. इन Communities को ज्वाइन करने का सबसे बड़ा फायदा यह होता है कि आपको अपने ब्लॉग niche से रिलेटेड लेटेस्ट जानकारी मिल जाती है. इसके अलावा आप वहां से Blog पोस्ट राइटिंग के लिए ideas भी ले सकते हैं. यहां पर अन्य ब्लॉगर से कांटेक्ट करके आप यह जान सकते हैं कि आपके ब्लॉगिंग niche में कैसे सफलता पाई जाए.

3. Twitter:

अगर आपको किसी ऐसे ब्लागर से कोंटेक्ट करना है जो कि बहुत ज्यादा बिजी रहते हैं तो आप ट्विटर के माध्यम से उन्हें मैसेज कर सकते हैं. ऐसे Bloggers Facebook पर बहुत ज्यादा एक्टिव नहीं रहते क्योंकि वहां पर बहुत से लोग उन्हें मैसेज करते हैं. ट्विटर पर उन्हें इस तरह की स्थिति का सामना नहीं करना पड़ता. वहां पर जिन लोगों को उनसे सच में काम होता है बस वही उनसे कांटेक्ट करते हैं. आपको ट्विटर पर ऐसे प्रोफेशनल ब्लॉगर्स को फॉलो करना स्टार्ट कर देना चाहिए जो की आपके ही ब्लॉक टॉपिक पर ब्लॉगिंग कर रहे हो. उनके ट्विट्स को रीट्वीट और लाइक करें. उन्हें डायरेक्ट मैसेज करके आप स्वयं के blog के बारे में कुछ टिप्स ले सकते हैं. इस तरीके से रिलेशन बनाने पर कई bloggers न्यू  bloggers की पर्सनली हेल्प भी करते हैं.

4. Forums:

जिस तरीके से हर ब्लॉग niche कि कम्युनिटी बनी हुई है ठीक उसी तरीके से लगभग प्रतेक टॉपिक पर फोरम भी पाया जाता है. आप Google पर सर्च करके इच्छाअनुसार forum को ढूंढ सकते हैं. ऐसे फॉर्म्स की भी कमी नहीं है जहां पर बहुत ज्यादा spam होता है. ऐसे Forums पर सिर्फ टाइम वेस्ट ही होता है और कोई अच्छी जानकारी नहीं मिलती. इसके बजाए आप ऐसे फोरम से ज्वाइन करें जिन पर काम की बातें शेयर की गई हो. Forums पर अपनी नॉलेज शेयर करके और questions का सही जवाब देकर आप authority create कर सकते हैं. इससे अन्य फोरम मेंबर आप से जुड़ना पसंद करते हैं और जरुरत पड़ने पर आपकी हेल्प भी करते हैं. अगर आपको ब्लॉगिंग से रिलेटेड कोई प्रॉब्लम आ रही है तो आप फॉर्म पर जाकर पूछ सकते हैं. अच्छे forums पर questions के सही आंसर भी मिलते हैं.
इन चारों प्लेटफार्म पर एक्टिव रहकर आप प्रोफेशनल और हेल्पिंग नेचर वाले ब्लॉगर्स के साथ कनेक्ट हो सकते हैं. यह आपको long term में काफी हेल्प करता है. ब्लॉगिंग की शुरुआत में जब आपके पास बहुत कम रिसोर्सेज होते हैं तो यही bloggers आपके काम आते हैं और आपको आगे बढ़ने में मदद करते हैं.
अंत में बस यही कहना चाहूंगा कि अगर आपको पोस्ट पसंद आई हो तो हमें कमेंट करके बताएं. आपकी तरफ से हमारे लिए यही सबसे बड़ा Reward है. अगर आप कोई ऐसे टॉपिक के बारे में पढ़ना चाहते हैं जिसमें आपको बहुत समय से प्रॉब्लम आ रही है तो आप वह भी कमेंट बॉक्स में mention कर सकते हैं हम जल्द ही उन पर अच्छी सी पोस्ट पब्लिश करने की कोशिश करेंगे.
Thanks for reading happy blogging keep reading.

Website/Blog Ki Traffic Kaise Badhaye?

Apne blog website ki traffic kaise badhaye or visitors ka dil kaise jite. Aaj is post me main website blog par traffic kaise badhaye ke bare me batane wala hu. Waise to duniya me lakho logo ne blog bana rakhe hai magar wo sabhi blogging me success nahi ho pate hai. Iske kafi reasons ho sakte hai. Jaise blog par traffic na hona, Search engine me show na hona, Sath hi adsense approve na ho pana. Kuch bhi ho agar aap blogging me success hona chahte or apne site par traffic badhana chahte hai to ye post last tak read kare.


Actually, iska sabse bad reason hota hai ki log blog ko puri trah bana bhi nahi pate hai. Usse pahale hi adsense ke liye apply kar dete hai. Jab unke blog ko adsense check karta hai to blog sahi na hone ki wajh se blog ko reject kar diya jata hai.
Ab aap bhi janna chahte honge ki adsense ke liye blog ko complete kaise kiya jata hai. Agar janna chahte hai to is post ko dhyan se padhe.
Agar aap adsense ke bare me nahi jate hai to ye post Google Adsens Kya Hai? padhe. Is post me aapko adsense ki puri jankari mil jayegi.
Ab main aapko blog par traffic badhane ke bare me kuch tips or tricks bata raha hai. Agar aap apni site par traffic badhana chahte hai to aapko ye tips follow karne hai.

Website Blog Par Traffic Kaise Badhaye

Yaha main aapko wo sab karne ke liye kah raha hai jise karne se aapke blog par traffic increase ho jayega.

1. Fast Loading Template Use Kare:

Ye bat humesha yad rakhe aapka blog fast open ho. Agar aapka blog 3-4 second se jyada time me open hota hai to users aapke blog ko ignore kar sakte hai.
Isliye agar aap chahte hai ki aapke blog par jyada users aaye to apni site ko humesha fast open hone wala banaye. Iske liye koi achhi or fast template use kare.

2. Blog Post Me Social Share Button Add Kare:

Aapke blog ki template aesi honi chahiye jisme aapke blog ki post me social share button add karne ka option ho. Isse koi bhi user aapki blog post ko chahe to apne share kar sakta hai.
Jisse aapki post ke bare me jyada users ko pata chal paye. Agar aap apni blog post me social share button add karna chahte hai niche wali post padhe.

3. Blog Post Title Achha Likhe:

Website blog par traffic badhane ke liye ye sabse bada or kargar tarika hai. Kyuki jab aapki post ka title achha hoga to koi bhi aapki post padhna chahega.
Isliye blog post title ko top banaye sath hi aapke blog post ke title me minimum 60 word hone chahiye tabhi google aapki post ko jald index karega.

4. Dusre Blogs Par Comment Kare:

Aap jab bhi free rahate ho to dusre blogs par unki posts par comment kare or comment me apne blog ki URL add kare. Taki koi users aapke blog par aa sake.
Humesha apne blog ke users ko uski comment ka jawab de or uski help kare. Aesa karne se users apne friends se aapke blog ke bare me batana chahenge. Jisse aapke blog par traffic badhega.

Best Search engine optimization tips (Updated for 2017)

A detailed and easy to follow SEO for beginners tutorial. This tutorial shows you how to SEO your blog post for search engines.
If you want your blog posts to be ranked higher in search engines such as Google and Yahoo, it’s important that they be properly optimized. In this SEO for beginners tutorial, I’ll show you the steps you can take to be sure your blog posts are search engine optimized.

SEO for Beginners

A search engine optimized (SEO) blog post means a potential for more traffic to your blog. If you make money with your blog, it can also mean an increase in your income.
By following these blogging tips, you will increase your chances of being ranked higher in search engines.
Helpful posts for getting more blog traffic:
Here are the steps we’ll be taking to SEO your blog post.
  1. Install a SEO plugin.
  2. Determine your keywords.
  3. Use keywords in your post.
  4. Use H2 (Heading 2) tags.
  5. Give your images a title and alt text.
  6. Interlink your content.
  7. Check your permalink.   

Step 1. Install A SEO Plugin

You can create a search engine optimized blog post without using an SEO plugin. I, however, find SEO plugins to be very beneficial in assuring that not only my blog posts but my entire website is search engine optimized.
I use and love the Yoast SEO plugin for my SEO needs. To install this plugin, in your wp-admin, go to Plugins > Add New. Next, search for, install, and active the “Yoast SEO” plugin.
Yoast ceo

Step 2. Determine Your Keywords

Before you begin writing your blog post, you need to determine what your keyword or phrase will be.
I use the Google Keyword Planner to do my keyword research. You will need to have an AdWords account to use the keyword planner. Don’t worry, you don’t have to pay anything.
UPDATE: Google Adwords now requires you to set up an ad campaign (and enter you billing details) if you’re new to the service. The only workaround I’ve seen for this is to create a campaign, and then pause it immediately after it’s created. Another great option for keyword research is SEMrush.
a. To research your keyword, visit the Google Keyword Planner and click on the box that says “Search for new keywords using a phrase, website, or category.”

b. Type your phrase into the first box (don’t worry about the remaining fields) and click on Get ideas.

 c. Scroll down to the Search Terms box, and make sure you’re on the Keyword ideas tab. It’ll look like this:
In this box you’ll find the following:
  • The average monthly searches for your phrase
  • The level of competition for your phrase
Below that you’ll also notice that the keyword planner has provided additional keyword suggestions based on your phrase.
The average monthly searches and competition level is provided for those keywords as well.
Keep in mind that the competition column isn’t showing you the competition of other people writing about this topic. Competition refers to the people who are paying to have their ad show up when this word or phrase is used. Since I’m not paying for an ad, I don’t pay attention to this column.
 d. Using the phrase “make money blogging,” I received the following results:

e. Using the information provided, I can decide to keep my phrase, or I may even decide to go for one of the suggestions instead.
You don’t want to go for a keyword that has really low average monthly searches because you won’t get much traffic that way. You also don’t want to use a word or phrase that has very high average monthly searches because there’s a good chance you won’t rank at all for that keyword).
f. Another tip for choosing your keyword phrase is to use what are called long tail keywords.
Long tail keywords consist of 3-4 keywords that are specific to what you’re writing about.
Long tail keywords are searched for less, so there isn’t as much competition for them.
Less competition means having a better chance of being found in search engines.
For example, you are more likely to be found using the long tail keyword phrase “make money blogging” as opposed to using a keyword phrase like “make money.”
With a phrase like “make money,” since there are so many other long-standing sites that have already ranked for that keyword phrase, you would most likely never be found in search engines using that phrase.

Step 3. Use Keywords in Your Post

Before we get into this, I want first to say that when using your keywords, do not force your keywords into your content to the point that your writing sounds unnatural.
Okay, moving on.
a). Post Title
I know that it’s not always ideal to include your keywords in your post title because sometimes it just doesn’t sound natural, or it isn’t catchy enough.
What I typically like to do is use my “catchy” title for my blog post title, and use my SEO friendly title in the SEO title section of my Yoast SEO plugin (you’ll see an example of where to put your “SEO title” in the image below).
That way, my readers see the “catchy” title, and search engines see the keyword optimized title.
b). Meta Description
When it comes to the meta description, I always include my keywords.
Your meta description should be a short description of your post, and it should always include your keywords.
I try to keep my meta description around 150 characters. If you use the Yoast SEO plugin, it will let you know when you have too many characters.
Here’s an example of an SEO title and meta description using the Yoast SEO plugin:

c). Throughout Your Post
Try to use your keywords a few times throughout your post. Remember, you always want your writing to sound natural, so don’t force it.
I try to use my keyword phrase in the first 200 characters of my post, and then again in the last 200 characters. I also try to include them in the post where it sounds natural. The Yoast SEO plugin will let you know if you’ve used your keyword too much, or too little.
I may also use my keywords in H2 tags. We’ll talk about those later.

Step 4. Use H2 (Heading 2) Tags

Headings aren’t just a pretty way to break up your content. Headings tell search engines what your content is about.
In WordPress, there are six headings (H1-H6) available.

When I use headings in my blog posts, I typically use H2 tags. Here’s why:
a. The H1 tag is for your post title only. You should not be using H1 tags within your blog post.
b. Think of the H2 tag as a subheading of the H1 tag. Once search engine crawlers find your H1 tag, they will then begin looking for all of the H2 tags.
Next, they will look for the H3 tags, and so on and so forth. As I said, I usually only use H2 tags in my posts.
c. The final reason I use H2 tags is simply because Google like’s H2 tags.
If possible, I’ll include my keywords in an H2 tag.

Step 5. Give Your Images A Title and Alt Text

When you upload an image to your post (and you should be) make sure you name your image before you upload it to WordPress.
Please do not upload an image titled DC_00346. It’s not good for SEO. Give your image a descriptive name when you’re saving it to your computer. Also, when you’re uploading your image to WordPress, you want to make sure you give your image a title and alt text.

The reason you do this is that search engines don’t know what your image is. You have to tell them.
Here’s what I do to my images:
When I upload an image to my post, I place a title for the image in the title box (use your keywords), and I put a short description in the alt text box (use your keywords).
I like to make my alt text a tiny bit more descriptive than my title, but you can put the same information for both.
For more tips on title and alt text, check out my post How to Optimize Your Images for SEO.

Step 6. Interlink Your Content

Interlinking involves linking content in your blog post from within your site.
You should be interlinking your content because (1) Interlinking is good for SEO and (2) Interlinking is an excellent way to get eyes on your older posts.
How to Interlink
When writing your blog post, if you have any relevant links from past blog posts, go ahead and place those links in your post.
For example, you can say something like, “For more blogging tips be sure to check out my post 6 Things That Should Be In Every Blog Post.”
I interlink on every one of my posts.
I do this by linking to related content within the post, and by placing related posts at the end of my post (you can see an example of how I interlink at the bottom of this post).
Placing related posts at the end of your post is similar to using one of those “related posts” plugins, but better. It’s better because:
  1. It’s good for SEO. I’ve heard countless times that those related posts plugins can negatively affect your search engine ranking.
  2. You control the content. If there’s a post you want to promote, you can bring more attention to it by interlinking it at the bottom of your post.

Step 7. Check Your Permalink

Before you publish your post, make sure your permalink is optimized as well.
A permalink is a permanent link to your blog post or page.
Ideally, you want your permalink to be simple (not too long), free of stop words (such as “the,” or “is”) and include your keywords.
If you already have a post published, do not change the permalink.
If you were to change the permalink on a published post, anytime someone visits the post using the old link, they would be sent to a 404 error page, and you don’t want that.
If you ever decide to change a permalink on a published post, make sure set up a 301 redirect from the old link to the new link. A plugin that can help you do this is the Simple 301 Redirects plugin.

Free Printable Download

To help you craft a search engine optimized blog post, I’ve created The Perfect Blog Post Planner printable for you to download. No sign up is required. Just click the download link below to access the free printable.
I know this is a lot of information to take in. Just take it one step at a time. Once you get the hang of it, writing SEO friendly blog posts will come naturally.
If you have any questions about this post, leave them in the comments.
Follow me on Pinterest for more blogging tips

How to Add Social Media Icons To Blogger

In this tutorial, I will show you how to add social media icons to your Blogger blog. This tutorial includes free social media icons to get you started.
1). In Blogger, create a new post and upload your social media icons to the post.

After uploading your images, if prompted, select the following:

2). Select the HTML tab. After doing this, you’ll see the image links for each of your social media icons. Leave this window open.

3). Open a new tab. In your Blogger dashboard, select Layout.

4). Select Add a Gadget in your “sidebar-right” area and then choose the HTML/JavaScript gadget.

5). In the HTML/JavaScript box, paste the following code (do this for each social media icon):
<a href="URL Goes Here"><img src="Image Direct Link Goes Here" /></a>

6). Head back over to the post editor where you uploaded your social media icons. Copy the image link for one of your icons (as seen in step 1).

7). Going back to your HTML/JavaScript gadget in Blogger, paste your image link where it says Image Direct Link Goes Here (do this for each social media icon and keep it within the quotation marks). It should look something like this:
<a href="URL Goes Here"><img src="" /></a>

8). Now it’s time to add in your social media URLs. Leaving the HTML/JavaScriptgadget open, in a new window or tab, head over to your social media profile and copy your personal URL.

9). Now, back in the HTML/JavaScript gadget, paste your URL where it says URL Goes Here (do this for each social media icon and keep it between the quotation marks).

10). Select Save once you’re finished. The finished code should look something like this:
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>

Note: If you’re using an email/contact button, place mailto:youremailaddresshere between the quotation makes where it says URL Goes Here.

11). Feel free to remove the post draft you created.
Happy blogging,

Apni Ki Website Bana Kar Paise Kaise Kamaye - Puri Jankari Hindi Me

Aaj ke time me koi bhi internet se paise kama sakta hai bas use online earning ke sahi tarike pata hone chahiye. Is article me main aapko online paise kamane ka aesa tarika bta raha hu jisse koi bhi ghar baithe internet se paisa kama sakta hai. Iske liye use na kisi programming language ki jarurat padegi or na hi Job ki tarah kisi special degree ki. Har wo insan jise computer ki basic information ho or thodi typing aati ho is tarike se income kar sakta hai.

Ek time tha jab internet se paisa kamana bahut mushkil tha kyuki us waqt iske bare me jankari bahut kam thi magar aaj aapko net par is topic par hazaro articles mil jayenge jinme online make money ke bare me btaya hua hai. Aaj internet par money earn karne ke 1000ro ways hai or aap jis tarike se chaho ghar baithe online kamai kar sakte ho.

Agar aap soch rahe ho ki iske liye kya qualification honi chahiye to main aapko bta du ki iske liye aapko koi bhi exam pass karne ki jarurat nahi hai. Man, Women, Girl, Boys, Student, Worker aap koi bhi isse koi fark nahi padta bas aapme kuch alag karne ka junoon or mehanat karne ka hosla hona chahiye.
Internet se paise kamane ke bahut se tarike hai jinse me bahuto ke bare me main is site par bta chuka hu jinhe aap Online Paisa Kamane Ke Tarike – A to Z Guide in Hindi list pagfe par check kar sakte ho. Yaha main aapko khud ki website bana kar internet se paise kamane ke bare me puri janakri de raha hu. Aap chaho to is post ko carefully read karke abhi apna online business shuru kar sakte ho.

Khud Ki Website Banakar Internet Se Paise Kaise Kamaye

Aaj se kuch saal pahle khud ki website banana bahut mushkil tha or iske liye programming language (coding) ki jarurat padti thi magar aaj kuch software and tools ki help se ye kaam bahut aasan ho gaya hai or aap only 5 minutes me apni website bana kar ready kar sakte ho.
Yaha main website bana kar paise kamane ki bat kar raha hu so main aapko 4-5 point ke sath samajhaunga taki aapko sabkuch aasani se samajh aa sake.

1. Create Your Own Website

Website banane ke liye aapko programming language like CSS, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Jquery etc. coding aati chahiye. Agar aapko coding nahi aati hai to aapke pas 2 option hai.
  • Create Website: Kisi Developer Se Site Banwaye.
  • Create Blog: WordPress, Blogspot, Joomla etc. software and blogging platform ki help se site start kare.
Sabse achhi bat ye hai ki blog banane ke liye aapko kisi bhi tarah se coding language ki knowledge hona jarur inahi hai. Aap kisi 2-3 steps follow karke apni site start kar sakte ho.
In my case, main wordpress use karta hu or main aapko bhi yahi suggest karunga kyuki ye manage karne me bahut hi aasan hai or humara is par full control hota hai. I mean aap is software par jo chahe kar sakte hai. But iske liye aapko kuch invest karna padega or hosting+domain buy karna hoga.
WordPress par apni site banane ke liye aap humari ye guide read kare. WordPress Par Site Kaise Banaye Step By Step Puri Jankari.
Agar aap invest nahi karna chahate hai to aap bina ek bhi paisa kharch kiye bhi apni website bana sakte hai. Iske liye aap par jaye or apni site ka name or address type karke 2 minute me apni site bana lijiye. Blogger google ki hi ek service hai jo apne users ko free website banane ki service provide karti hai.
Blogger par website banane ke liye aap humara ye tutorial follow kar sakte hai, Free Website Blog Kaise Banaye – Complete Guide in Hindi.
Agar aapko confusing hai ki wordpress ya blogger me se konsa better hai or kya choose kare to aap ye article read kare BlogSpot Ya WordPress Konsa Blogging Platform Jyada Better Hai.
Website blog banane ke bad aapko use achhe se Design karna hai taki jyada se jyada audience use like kare sath hi aapki site ka speed up hona bhi jaruri hai taki slow internet connection use karne wale users bhi aapki site ko fast open kar sake.

2. Choose Topic & Target

Apni website banane ke bad secon option hai apni site ke liye koi topic choose karna or ek target set karna taki aap achhe se work kar sako or kam time me apni site ko sccessful bana sako.
A. Website Topic
Jab aap site create kar lo to aapko ye tay karna hai ki aapko site par kis topic par likhna hai. For example, jaise ab main is site par website banakar paise kamane ke bare me likh raha hu wese hi aapko kis topic par likhna hai. Aapko kis niche par work karna hai.
Website par likhne ke liye bahut sare topics hai like health, success, holiday, sports etc. I suggest you, aap usi topic ko select kare jiske bare me aapko knowledge ho or jisme aapko full interest ho. Kyuki jis kaam me aapki lagan hogi use aap dusre kaamo se kahi jyada achhe se kar sakoge.
B. Target
Apni site ke liye topic choose karne ke bad aapko target set karna hai ki aapko kitne time me or kya kya karna hai or kin logo ke liye likhna hai. Target set karne se aap behtar business kar sakoge or isme samay bhi kam lagta hai. Wese bhi bina soche samajhe kiye gaye kaam me safalta milni mushkil hoti hai so soch samajh kar shuruat karna samajhadari hogi.
Aapne jo topic select kiya hai us field ke competitor ko dekhe or plan banaye ki aapko kis tarah kaam karke unse aage nikalna hai. Agar aap chaho to iske liye apni chhoti ya badi koi ek team bana sakte ho.

3. Content & Your Talent

Website banane or uske liye topic select karne or target banane ke bad aapko content write karna hai. Content write karne se ye dhyan rakhe ki aap jitna achha likhoge people aapko or aapki site ko utna hi jyada pasand karenge. So aapko dusro se behtar or alag likhna hai taki aapki site ko padhne walo ki sakhya jyada ho.
Content likhne se pahle 3 bate jaan le jo aapke humesha kaam aayegi. Agar aap inhe ignore karoge to aapki site ko success hone me bahut problem hogi.
  1. Quality Content: Unique and quality content likhe taki jyada se jyada audience use like kare. Agar aap dusro ki copy pasting karoge ya fi useless content write karoge to shayad hi aapki site par koi dubara visi karega. So low quality content likhne se bache or 10 low quality content wali post likhne se achha 1 high quality content wali post write kare.
  2. Write for Users: Aapki site par jitna jyada traffic hoga aap utne hi jyada safal honge. So sabse pahle users ka khyal rakhe or aesa content likhe jo aapke audience ko easily samajh aaye or wo use like kare. Apne man se nahi apne users ke man se likhe taki aapke pas jyada se jyada support ho.
Aapki site par kitna traffic hoga ye aapke content par depend karta hai or aapki site par kitna achha content hoga ye aapke talent par dpeend karta hai. For example, suppose 2 person ek hi topic par 1000 words ka alag alag article likhte hai unme se ek ke article ko padhne me bahut achha lagta hai r dusre ke me boring feel hoti hai. Aap ek number wale writer ki tarha likhna hai.
Aapke users ko aapke content ko padhte time boring na ho warna ek flop movie ki tarah aapki site bhi flop ho sakti hai.

4. Traffic

Iska jawab aapko three point me hi mil gaya hoga ki aapki site ka traffic aapke content or aapka content aapke talent par depend karta hai. apki site par jitna traffic hoga aapki site utni hi success hogi. So yaha main aapko website par traffic lane ke kuch importnat tarike bta deta hu.
Hum site par traffic lane ki process ko 2 tariko me bantenge. 1. Online and 2. Offline
A. Online Traffic Source
Website par traffic badhane ke bahut sare online tarike hai agar aap google me search karoge ki “Website par traffik kaise badhaye” to aapko is bare me millions results mil jayenge fir bhi main aapko yaha main and top source ke bare me bta deta hu.
  1. Search Engines: SEO – Search Engine Optimization: Search engine website par traffic badhane ka sabse first and best way hai kyuki search engine se aapko ek bar nahi balki daily traffic milta hai. Bas iske liye aapki site ko google me top me aana jaruri hai. Aapki site google me top me kaise aayegi or search engine se traffic kaise milega iske liye aap humare SEO Tutorials read kijiye.
  2. Social Media Sites: Social media like facebook, twitter par hum apne friends, family member in sab se jude hote hai or ek dusre se bat karte hai. Aap chahe to iski help se apni website ke bare me bhi logo ko bta kar apni site ka promotion kar sakte ho or traffic kama sakte ho.
  3. Guest Blogging: Aap apni site se related content likhne wali sites par guest articles likh kar unke visitors ko apni site par visit karne ke liye request kar sakte ho.
  4. Advertisement: Agar aap apni site par traffic badhane ke liye pay kar sakte ho to aap google adsnesne, adwords, facebook ads etc. advertising program ke through apni site par paid traffic la sakte ho.
  5. Referral Links & Linking: Aap dusri websites me apni site ke pages ka link karwa kar bhi apni site pa traffic badha sakte ho.
  6. Other sources: Website par traffic badhane ki adhik jankari ke lyie ye post read kare (101) Blog Ki Traffic Kaise Badhaye 101 Popular Tarike 2017.
B. Offline Traffic Source
Online traffic badhane ke sath sath aapko offline bhi apni site ka promotion karna hoga taki aapki site ke bare me adhik se adhik log jaan sake. Iske liye aap ye tarike follow kar sakte ho.
  1. Tell your friends: Apne friends ko is bare me btaye or unhe unke dosto ko btane ke liye kahe.
  2. Tell your collage students: Apni school ya collages me ja kar students ko apni site ke bare me btaye.
  3. Print Ads: Apni site ke print ads bana kar top place me laga sakte ho.
  4. News Paper: Apne local news paper ya other papers me apni site ke bare me news dila sakte ho.
  5. Events: Apne area me ya jaha tak aap manage kar sako event rakhe or logo ko apni site ke bare me btaye.
Aap se jitna ho sake online ya offline aap utna jyada apni site par traffic kamaye taki aapki site ki rank jyada se jyada better ho sake. Without traffic site kuch bhi nahi hoti jitna jyada traffic hoga log or search engine utni hi aapki site ko value denge.

5. Earnings:

Humara final point hai apni website se paise kamaye? To ab aapne upar btaye sare steps follow kar liye hai or main man leta hu ki aapki site par achha traffic hai or ab aap apni site se earning karna chahate ho. So chaliye ab main aapko website se paise kamane ke bare me bta deta hu.
Internet par bahut se aesi companies hai jo apne products and services ka promotion karne ke liye website owner or bloggers ko commission deti hai. Ye hume 2 taike se paisa deti hai.
  1. Pay Per Click (PPC): Yani jab koi humari website se advertiser ki site par visit karta hai to hume kuch commission leta hai. ye commission advertiser ki tay ki gayi rate par depend karta hai.
  2. Pay Per Sell (PPS): Iske anusar jab koi user aapki site ke through advertiser ki site par ja kar unka koi product ya service buy karta hai to aapko uski price ka kuch percent commission milta hai. Yani iske anusar sirf product sell hone par earning hogi.
Isi wajah se in dono type ki companies yani advertiser ( Jo hume ad privde karte hai) ko hum 2 category me bant lete hai. 1. Advertising and 2. Affiliate Market
A. Advertising Ads:
Ye PPC yani pay per click kar kaam karti hai or ads dekhne ya ad par click karne ke paise deti hai. But iske liye hume har ek company se bat karne ki jarurat nahi hai. Internet par kuch aesi service available hai to bahut sari companies se deal kar hume sabhi companies ke ads provide karti hai.
Jinme se kuch top service providers is parkar hai.
  • Google Adsense
  • Adnow
  • Chitika
  • Bidvertiser
But in sab me google adsense sabse better hai kyuki ye dusre sabhi advertising program se jyada truest or jyada commission dene wala ad network hai. Google ko advertiser jo bhi commission dete hai wo usme se 68% apne publisher yani hume de deta hai or baki apne pas rakhta hai.
Aapko bas iske liye ek bar registration karna hoga uske bad adsense se aapk oad code milega jo aapko apni site par lagana hai. Uske bad aapki site par aapke content se related company ke ad show honge or jab koi un par click karega to aapki earning hogi.
But first aap advertising program ke bare me achhe se jan le like iski terms kya hai, ise kaise use karna hai or isse kamai kaise karni hai. Is sabki jankari ke liye aap humari Advertising program se related posts read kar sakte hai.
B. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate program PPS yani pay per sell par work karta hia or jab koi humari site ke through inki site par ja kar koi product buy karta hai to hume uska kuch commission milta hai. Ye commission 5% se lar 20% ya isse bhi jyada ho sakta hai.
Iska sabse achha fayda ye hai ki aapko kisi or ko commission dene ki jarurat nahi hogi. For example, aap adsense use karoge to aapko sirf 68% hi milega or baki google apne pas rakhega but affiliate market me aapko milne wale commission ka 100% aapko hi milega. Isiliye isse aap jyada earning kar sakte ho.

Iski adhik jankari ke liye aap humari Affiliate Marketing wali guidelines read kare. Agar apa soch rahe hai ki aapke visitors advertiser ki site par kyo jayenge or unke product kyo buy karenge to main aapko bta du ki aap apni site me advertiser ke diye gaye banner, images, display and text ads ko apni site me add karoge.

Ye ads bilkul aapke content se matched honge or users apne interest se hi in par click karenge. Aap chahe to affiliate program products par article likh kar apne visitors ko uske bare me bta sakte ho.


Ye the website bana kar online paise kamane ke 5 simple steps, I sure in tariko ko follow karke koi bhi person online internet se paise kama sakta hai. Iske liye aapko kisi bhi tarah ki koi degree ki jarurat nahi hogi bas aap jis topic par likhoge uske bare me aapko achhi jankari honi chahiye taki aap dusro se behtar kar sako or apni site par visit karne ke liye logo ko attract kar sako.
Website se earning karne ke liye traffic chahiye or traffic aapko tabhi milega jab aap dusre logo or apne competitor se kuch alag or naya karoge. Aap jitna behtar karoge log aapki site ko utna hi jyada like kaenge. In simple words, bas logo ke pas aapki site par visit karne ka koi reason hona chahiye.

Jaise hi aapki site par achha traffic hoga or aap achha kama rahe honge to aapko pata bhi nahi chalega ki aap kab success ho gaye. Iska khyal aapko tab aayega jab duniya wale aapke bare me bat karenge. Jis din log dusre logo ko aapki mahanta k bare me bta rahe honge samajho us din aap successful person ban chuke honge.


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